Johnny Hallyday, Beacon Theater, Oct. 7, 2012
Blake Mills, Terminal 5, New York, NY, Oct. 16, 2012
Fiona Apple, Terminal 5, New York, NY, 0ct. 16, 2012
Fiona Apple, Terminal 5, Oct. 16, 2012
Beast Patrol, The Studio at Webster Hall, October 19, 2012
Alex Greenwald and Z Berg, JJAMZ, The Studio at Webster Hall, Oct. 19, 2012
Alex Greenwald and Michael Runion, JJAMZ, The Studio at Webster Hall, Oct. 19, 2012
Sweatheart, Terminal 5, New York, NY, Oct. 22, 2012
The Dirty Pearls, Terminal 5, New York, NY, Oct. 22, 2012.
Justin Hawkins / The Darkness, Terminal 5, New York, NY, Oct. 22, 2012
Jeffertitti’s Nile w/ Father John Misty, Bowery Ballroom, New York, NY, Oct. 24, 2012
Katy Goodman, La Sera, Bowery Ballroom, New York, NY, Oct. 24, 2012
Father John Misty, w/ Jeffertitti, Bowery Ballroom, New York, NY, Oct. 24, 2012
Lindi Ortega, Roseland Ballroom, New York, NY, Oct. 26, 2012
Mike Ness, Social Distortion, Roseland Ballroom, New York, NY, Oct. 26, 2012
Apparently I didn’t go to any shows in November, either.
Sheena Ozzella, Lemuria, Webster Hall, New York, NY, Dec. 2, 2012
Ceremony and stage diver going in to the pit, Webster Hall, New York, NY, Dec. 2, 2012
Titus Andronicus, Webster Hall, New York, NY, Dec. 2, 2012
Animal Collective, Terminal 5, Dec. 5, 2012
Casey Neill, 68 Jay Street Bar, Brooklyn, NY, Dec. 8, 2012
A small fraction – there are nine of them! – of Industries of the Blind, Knitting Factory, Brooklyn, NY, Dec. 21, 2012
Tag: Titus Andronicus
Rock ‘n’ Roll Photog: Titus Andronicus/The Felice Brothers
NTSIB loves the Felice Brothers. NTSIB also loves boys in dresses. Now we can enjoy our two great loves together! Hurray for Halloween!
Continuing my ongoing life-theme of music related traveling, last weekend NTSIB friend Joy and I drove up some twisty mountain roads to Poughkeepie to see Titus Andronicus and the Felice Brothers. Trivia: Joy first saw The Felice Brothers when they were playing on the subway platforms in Brooklyn; I only learned about them this past January, and for all of the times I’ve seen them this year, this show was the first one in an actual club. And it was wonderful.

Titus Andronicus was once again amazing. The crowd was of course much smaller than the one at Webster Hall, and during the first song I thought they might be a little bit lukewarm. Oh, was I ever wrong. As soon as the second song started, they began moshing. And I do mean moshing; there was hair, beer and limbs flying everyehere, Joy almost got knocked over four times, there were dudes in tweed sport coats pummeling the bejsus out of each other in a circle pit during almost all fourteen minutes of Battle of Hampton Roads, and it was fantastic.

Then the Felice Brothers came out. They had gotten properly into the spirit of the weekend and busted out some costumes. I’ll just let the pictures do the most of the rest of the talking:

Various members of the Diamond Doves came along to play the horns and the occasional drum, and they also dressed up for the occasion:

And there was a costum contest in the middle of the show. Here’s Ian Felice with his favorite, the girl who was dressed as a refrigerator:

And in conclusion, one from the encore. This is the one that Joy leaned over to say “I like that one” after I took it:

As for the music – I’m completely useless with setlists, and can only tell you that the songs they played included Run, Chicken, Run, White Limosine, River Jordan, Frankie’s Gun, Ballad of Lou the Welterweight, and Take This Bread, and that overall it was much more up-tempo than they have been recently. By which I mean, they didn’t play Damn You, Jim this time, to my everlasting relief. It’s a beautiful song, it’s just I find it unutterably depressing. (Song I really wish they would play live: Cooperstown.) In any case, it was a great night, and a great show.
Rock ‘n’ Roll Photog: Titus Andronicus
This week, Jennifer gets excited about some punk fuckin’ rawk.
The best way I can explain The Monitor, the new(ish) record from Titus Andronicus , is to say that it is like two photographs, one from the 21st century and one from the 19th, carefully overlaid so that their elements blend and the eye is left with the challenge of determining what is now, what was then, and what is both, eternally suspended on the thin webbing of successful illusion. Internet, I have listened to this record a lot. I was really, really excited to finally be able to see them live.

Patrick Stickles (l) and Ian Graetzer (r)
Following opening acts Screaming Females (solid punk band; their singer can also really shred) and Free Energy (pop punk so awesome they get their own post next week), Titus Andronicus kicked off the show last Saturday night at Webster Hall with A More Perfect Union, a song which references, among other things, the Newark Bears, the Garden State Parkway, Born to Run as well as both the Battle Cry of Freedom and the Battle Hymn of the Republic. The recorded lyrics include the phrase tramps like us, baby we were born to die, but Patrick Stickles sang born to run instead, infusing (and transforming) the line with howling punk rock defiance. Naturally the pit went crazy. And it only got better from there.

Amy Klein, playing her violin while wearing her guitar
One of highlights of the show came during The Battle of Hampton Roads. The song is 14 minutes long and they played all of it. The middle section is instrumental, a fusion of fuzzy guitars, parade drums and what I thought were bagpipes on the record but live turned out to be keyboard effects. It sounds like a column of weary Union soldier walking home on a dirt road in the rain. It is the kind of thing that just begs for a drum line. And so the barrier provided one: we stretched out our hands, all of us, all the way down as far as I could see, and pounded on the stage. Meanwhile, the floor was vibrating from the pogoing feet of the pit behind us.

l to r: Patrick Stickles, David Robbins, Eric Harm, and Ian Graetzer
In conclusion: that was awesome, and I can’t wait to see them again when they open for the Felice Brothers in Poughkeepsie in October. If you live in the tri-state area and are waffling about going to that show, BUY A TICKET NOW. It’s going to be good.