The Famous: Really working to be happy

On first listen, the Famous’ new album, Come Home to Me, sounds like the soundtrack to a roadtrip* wherein Very Bad Things Happen. Can’t speak for your world, but in NTSIB’s world, that’s more than enough to merit a second listen.

The Famous has a birth story reminiscent of the birth story of the Rolling Stones, but instead of Chuck Berry and Muddy Waters albums, the chance meeting of Laurence Scott and Victor Barclay hinged on them both owning the same car: the ’65 model Ford Galaxie. The Rolling Stones comparison could be extended to the way the Famous take an old American songstyle (in their case, country & western) and mix it up with modern sensibilities… but that would be facile and trite, so we won’t do that. We could exaggerate the facts to make it seem that Laurence Scott left his life of farming for the life of a rock ‘n’ roller, but we’ll leave Scott’s 2nd place award in the 1983 Junior Farmers competition at the Dallas Farmer’s Market for excellence in radishes and swiss chard for the tabloids to uncover and twist when the band blows up big.

Though we can tell you that Scott and Barclay have secret identities, Barclay masquerading by day as a UI developer and Scott missing the whole “secret” part by being a reporter/anchor for the San Francisco Bay Area arm of NBC. And we can tell you that, both being veterans of the Bay Area music scene, they know their way around the phenomenon known as “rockin’ it”.

(We can also tell you that Barclay is the kind of noble man who will save sweet, innocent beer from being poured down the drain just because it happens to be a little past the expiration date.)

Come Home to Me is a follow-up to their 2005 debut, Light, Sweet Crude, and it is an all-around tighter and more focused album. Their penchant for down-and-dirty roadhouse country is brought to the forefront, and Scott’s voice is now strong and resonant in its timbre and twang. On closer inspection of their lyrics, there is a lot of love-gone-wrong here, but of the sort many can relate to, as evidenced in the succinct first lyric of the album opener, “Off My Mind”: This makes me sick. But I’ll make myself sicker. There are guts spilled all over this album, from the words to the guitars to Scott’s agonized howl midway through “Cold Tonight”.

But there is a lot of fun to be had in the listening. (Doubly so if you are a word nerd – “Perspicacious” had me laughing out loud the first time I listened to it.) So pop open a beer, no matter the expiration date, and have a listen.

Come Home to Me

Ain’t Much Wrong

The Famous Official Website

*NTSIB may be a little fixated on the idea of roadtrips at the moment.

Bits: Travel with Over the Rhine, new Sunny Day Real Estate on the way, new Band of Horses, Ian McCulloch at Daytrotter, new album from the Liars


John Fahey: Poor Boy

It seems that when one falls in love with music, when it becomes something one feels the need to know everything about, the more one moves forward, the further back one ends up. Or perhaps that’s just my own experience. I may be a special case (feel free to define “special” however you want there), but I find when I fall in love with a new artist, I want to know what moved him, who influenced her, what did they listen to that caused them to pick instruments and play? I’ve found many favorite artists whom I might never have heard otherwise that way: Doc Watson, Bob Wills and his Texas Playboys, Django Reinhardt, etc.

So when A.A. Bondy listed “John Fahey’s right hand” alongside influences/inspirations like trains, people who play bowed saws and James Jamerson’s pointer finger, I had to look Fahey up to satisfy my curiosity. And, as with many of these backwards discoveries, I felt stupid for having never heard of the man before.

John Fahey was an exceptional finger-picking guitarist who was born in Washington, D.C., in February of 1939 and died in Salem, Oregon, in February of 2001 after a sextuple heart bypass operation. In between, he heard Bill Monroe’s cover of Jimmie Rodgers’ “Blue Yodel No. 7”, bought his first guitar from a Sears-Roebuck catalogue, released his own albums (sometimes secretly slipping them in amongst the stock at record stores and thrift shops), graduated college with degrees in philosophy and religion, created the legend of Blind Joe Death, earned a Master’s degree in folklore, brought bluesmen Bukka White and Skip James back into the public eye, drew on influences from the blues to classical to Gregorian chants, did a hell of a lot of finger-picking and influenced a number of artists, who in turn have been influential themselves – like Sonic Youth, down the line.

Sadly, not dissimilar to so many of the stories of the blues greats who influenced him, Fahey died poor after years of miserable health. But, also similar to those blues greats, his influence keeps reaching forward and lacing its way through music today.

John Fahey Official Site
Blind Joe Death Memorial Site

Notable shows in the greater Cleveland area & the Hiram Rapids Stumblers

Shows worth checking out this week in and around Cleveland:

The Beachland Ballroom & Tavern

  • Sat, Mar 6| 9 PM (8 PM door)
    Beachland 10th Anniversary Weekend!
    Roky Erickson
    The Alarm Clocks / Living Stereo
    Ballroom | All Ages
  • Sat, Mar 6| 8:30 PM (8 PM door)
    Beachland 10th Anniversary Weekend!
    JJ Magazine
    Remember / Modern Electric / Admission is free with the purchase of a Roky Erickson ticket
    Tavern | All Ages
  • Wed, Mar 10| 8 PM (7 PM door)
    Carolina Chocolate Drops
    Hiram Rapids Stumblers / Presented with support of Roots of American Music
    $10.00 adv / $12.00 dos
    Ballroom | All Ages
  • Thu, Mar 11| 8 PM (7 PM door)
    Benefit for the family of
    Greg Stiles
    feat. Mifune / Whiskey Daredevils / Living Stereo
    Ballroom | All Ages
  • Thu, Mar 11| 8:30 PM (8 PM door)
    Dear Companion feat. Ben Sollee & Daniel Martin Moore
    Family of The Year
    Tavern | All Ages
  • Fri, Mar 12| 9 PM (8:30 PM door)
    My Dad is Dead
    The Lawton Brothers / All Comers
    Tavern | All Ages

House of Blues

  • Sat, Mar 6| 8 PM (7 PM door)
    Boys From the County Hell
    Hey Mavis / Pitch the Peat
    $14.00 – GA standing room
    All Ages

Grog Shop

  • Thurs, Mar 11| 8 PM
    Ted Leo and the Pharmacists
    Title Tracks
  • Fri, Mar 12| 9 PM
    We Were Promised Jetpacks
    The Lonely Forest / Bear Hands
    $10.00 adv
    $12.00 dos

Oberlin College

  • Thurs, Mar 11| ?
    The ‘Sco
    Call 800-371-0178 for details

Here’s a little intro to the group who will be opening for the Carolina Chocolate Drops at the Beachland, the Hiram Rapids Stumblers from Hiram, Ohio.

Powered by iSOUND.COM

The sounds get rowdier over at their MySpace page. Looking forward to seeing what these guys can give live.

Down the Old Plank Road: Carolina Chocolate Drops, Frank Fairfield & Blind Boy Paxton

As has been mentioned in a previous post – and as would likely be obvious from the overall content of NTSIB – I am a roots music fan. This used to mean mainly old blues: Robert Johnson, Son House, Howlin’ Wolf. It would be disingenuous to deny the role of the O Brother, Where Art Thou? soundtrack album in opening me up to more styles of roots, or “old timey”, music, like Southern gospel-style music, string bands, bluegrass, etc., but it was the advent in my musical life of modern string band hustlers Old Crow Medicine Show that led me to discover that there are a number of young artists keeping the basics of the old music alive while also adding their own, up-to-date flair into the mix. One of the most exciting of those acts is the Carolina Chocolate Drops who are bringing the black string band tradition back to the forefront while evolving the possibilities of string band music with the injection of their modern sensibilities. This confluence of old and new is on exhilirating display in their treatment of Blu Cantrell’s “Hit ‘Em Up Style”, performed below during their appearance on WDVX’s Blue Plate Special.


Carolina Chocolate Drops performing "Hit 'Em Up Style"


There are also artists who keep so closely to the essence of the original sounds and styles of roots music that they almost defy belief and have you checking the calendar to confirm what century you’re in. Frank Fairfield and Blind Boy Paxton are prime examples. And they look the part, Fairfield with his Brylcreemed hair and shirts buttoned up to the neck, a piece of rope serving as the strap on his banjo, and Paxton sometimes sporting a suit and fedora, sometimes a pair of overalls. Their sound is so authentic that you wait to hear the hiss and pop of old vinyl after each verse. Indeed, it’s so authentic that some have been led to ask, “Why bother?” Why recreate so precisely the sound of the old string bands or the old bluesmen when those original recordings are still available to hear? I’m sure part of the motivation is purely selfish: for the joy of playing the music. But Fairfield and Paxton also perform an important service to the music itself: they bring it to the attention to people who might otherwise not listen to old time music. If the old music is not listened to, it can’t continue to influence musicians today and, it could be argued, future music would lose much of its soul. Also, if old music is not listened to, it can’t be preserved, and the loss of these roots would be a shattering crime.


Plus, damnit, it’s just fun to listen to.


Here Fairfield and Paxton jam with Dom Flemons of the Carolina Chocolate Drops:

Nouveau Oldtime Jam: Blind Boy Paxton, Dom Flemons, Frank Fairfield (Boing Boing Video)


Old Crow Medicine Show Official Site

Carolina Chocolate Drops Official Site

Frank Fairfield MySpace

Frank Fairfield Daytrotter Session

Blind Boy Paxton MySpace

Bits: The Black Keys apart & together, Carolina Chocolate Drops on Fresh Air, mr. Gnome 7″, various tour dates


The Low Anthem & The Avett Brothers at the House of Blues in Cleveland, OH, 2.27.10

The Low Anthem Setlist
(in no particular order and incomplete)

Cage the Songbird
Don’t Let Nobody Turn You Around
To the Ghosts Who Write History Books
This God Damn House
The Horizon is a Beltway
Don’t Let Nobody Turn You ‘Round
Cigarettes and Whiskey and Wild, Wild Women

I’ll admit upfront that I have probably been spoiled by seeing some of the best acts around perform in hole-in-the-wall bars – from the Afghan Whigs at the Cactus Club in San Jose, California, to A.A. Bondy at the Blind Pig in Ann Arbor, Michigan – and this probably colors my view of the larger venues, but… I hate the House of Blues. It is partially the odd and claustrophobic layout of the venue and partially the disposition of the clientele. (It doesn’t help that I top out at 5’3″ and since I didn’t get to the sold-out show early enough to be close to the stage, I felt disconnected as I stood behind a wall of people a full head taller than me, affording me only a few glances of certain areas of the stage.)

You have to love the Low Anthem for putting their all into trying to overcome the obstacles. They played with great energy and sweetness and did manage to get the attention of the drunken, gabby audience a couple of times, but there were times when they were almost drown out by the loud talking of the audience amongst itself (one of whom started complaining as soon as the band started into their fourth song and didn’t stop until the band finished their set because “Oh my god, are they playing another song?”).

Still, I was able to hear enough to confirm that Jocie Adams and Ben Knox Miller can both belt out a killer vocal and Jeff Prystowsky has to be the smilingest musician I’ve ever witnessed. The Low Anthem have a good range from deeply pretty to aggressively foot-stomping, which they accomplish through more instrument changes than I’ve ever seen a band make. It’s a shame I couldn’t hear the clarinets they brought out for a couple of songs.

The Avett Brothers setlist
(in no particular order and less woefully incomplete)

Distraction #74
Laundry Room
January Wedding
Murder in the City
Tear Down the House
The Perfect Space
If It’s the Beaches
Where Have All the Average People Gone (Roger Miller cover)
I Would Be Sad
And It Spread
Please Pardon Yourself
Go To Sleep
Famous Flower of Manhattan
Slight Figure of Speech
At the Beach
Head Full of Doubt/Road Full of Promise (? – I may just be hallucinating that they played this)

Part of the fun of attending a live show is seeing what’s happening onstage: who’s playing what, who’s whispering to whom, who just took his shirt off, etc. The fact that I could only see half of the Avett Brothers at any given time certainly affected my enjoyment of the show. But, too, the band seemed to have a little less of their famous energy and zeal than I have witnessed in live show videos and were pulling out many of their more sedate songs. Not to say that their performance was poor by any means – the Avetts are consummate professionals in the best sense of the term and they seem to truly love their audience – and the crowd of young devotees in front of me certainly loved it (I enjoyed watching one of them sing along with his eyes closed, looking like every, single word meant something to him), but I just did not feel moved for much of the show.

There were exceptions. “Laundry Room”, for instance, transcended all the issues of the night to be a perfect performance. Scott Avett’s solo delivery of “Murder in the City” was touching. They played my personal favorite, “Colorshow”, which is rousing no matter what. And they put in a great rendition of “Go to Sleep”, with the crowd helping out on the “la la la”s, which closed the pre-encore part of the show.

A sweet note: When the band left the stage, that same group of young devotees in front of me again took up the “la la la”s of “Go to Sleep”, and this spread throughout the venue as the call that brought the band back for their encore.

It was a good show – and we appreciate that the Avetts came through Cleveland when so many roots-based/Americana acts skip Cleveland, and sometimes Ohio, completely – it just wasn’t the banjo-shredding, scream-a-thon I was expecting.

More of my very poor photos from the show can be found at the NTSIB Flickr account.

Notable shows in the greater Cleveland area & why you should be in Akron tonight

Shows worth checking out this week in and around Cleveland:

The Beachland Ballroom & Tavern

  • Fri, Mar 5| 9 PM (8 PM door)
    Beachland 10th Anniversary Weekend!
    Pere Ubu
    The Modern Dance Album will be performed in its entirety! / Short Rabbits
    Ballroom | All Ages
  • Fri, Mar 5| 9 PM (8:30 PM door)
    Beachland 10th Anniversary Weekend
    This Moment in Black History
    Sun God
    Record Release Party!
    Tavern | All Ages

The Grog Shop

  • Thurs, Mar 4|9 PM
    Split Lip Rayfield
    Not So Good Ol Boys
    $10 adv / $12 dos


  • Sat, Feb 27|8 PM
    mr. Gnome
    If These Trees Could Talk
    Simeon Soul Charger

House of Blues

  • Sat, Feb 27|8 PM
    The Avett Brothers
    The Low Anthem

If you need convincing that you should go check out mr. Gnome (either tonight in Akron or on their spring tour), check out this feature clip from Venus Zine.


(I’ll be missing out because I’ve had tickets for the Avett Brothers show for about two months now, but I’ll be catching Nicole & Sam when they get back home in late spring.)

Club Night: Dressed in Black

For a few good years, I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area and spent a lot of time in the goth scene (though my musical tastes lead one boyfriend to label me as “just plain odd” instead of “goth”), and a friend I made back in those days just tipped me off to this club event, saying it made him immediately think of me.

On Monday, DJ’s DeathBoy and my self, present a tribute to “The Men in Black”. Dark Balladeers, and Torch Singers from the past 60 years that helped shape modern music. Everyone from Johnny Cash, Leonard Cohen, Nick Cave, Lee Hazlewood, Scott Walker, David Bowie, Lou Reed, Marc Almond, Brian Eno, Peter Murphy, Tom Waits, and many, many more!

Visit the Elbo Room website for more details. This looks like an unique club event worth checking out if your in the SF area.

Found this gem at The Velvet Rut. It’s an older clip, but it’s fantastic: the Punch Brothers (then known as known as Chris Thile and How to Grow a Band) covering Radiohead’s “Morning Bell”.


Bits: Twilight Singers in the studio, mr. Gnome tours, behind-the-scenes with Gil Scott-Heron, Bowerbirds video

  • Spin has a mini Q&A; with Greg Dulli, who is currently shaping up the next Twilight Singers album.
  • mr. Gnome go back on the road at the end of next month (with a warm-up gig in Akron this Saturday), and they promise a “b-side 7″ vinyl/digital very soon.”
  • Pitchfork has an 11-minute docu-vid on the making of Gil Scott-Heron’s magnificent album, I’m New Here, up until the end of the week. (Incidentally, I learned about the album when the Twilight Singers posted the video for “Me and the Devil” on their Facebook back in January.)
  • You can watch the Bowerbirds be adorable, nature-loving hippies in their brand new video for “Northern Lights” below.