Video: Metal Machine Music, pt. IV, Fireworks Ensemble

A couple of years ago I had the chance to hear Lou Reed’s epic Metal Machine Music performed live by an orchestra.

I realize the ideas of “Metal Machine Music” and “orchestra” may seem like unlikely bedfellows, but the result, the Fireworks Ensemble playing a score transcribed by Ulrich Krieger, is among the best concert experiences I have ever had.

The orchestral version was, like the original, challenging. Brutal, even, at times; some people walked out. There were moments when I was clenching my teeth and clutching my armrests at the same time, just trying to anchor myself and stay above water. For a while it felt a bit like I had stuck my entire head inside the Gom Jabbar.

Then I got used to it, and relaxed, and was able to appreciate the stark, spiky cathedral of sound they were building for us. Below is an excerpt from the show.

Fireworks Ensemble: Metal Machine Music, Part IV

Rest in Peace, Mr. Reed. We shall miss you very much.

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