First, they grabbed the room’s attention by throwing everyone off a little. The Ridges mounted the stage in the Beachland Tavern… and then proceeded to file down through the thick crowd to the middle of the floor, where they formed a circle and played “Invented Love”, sans amplification. While the sound sometimes bounced off the walls and ceiling and sometimes was absorbed by the surrounding bodies, it did make people lean in and pay attention.
And that attention was held as the band again took to the stage to continue their set, chomping into the attention-grabbing “Not A Ghost” with abandon and electric energy, but never dropping their well-honed edge. Indeed, this is the overall impression of the Ridges live: a band tight, well-practiced, but not staid. The passion and fire radiates from them with strike-force power. (I had goosebumps at one point that night, and even watching them again in the below video, Victor Rasgaitis’ howl just gave me goosebumps all over again.)
“Not a Ghost”, “When the Bell Tolls”, “Dawn of Night”
Their set hit all points of their EP except “The Insomniac’s Song” and added “When the Bell Tolls”, “Dawn of Night” (which feels like it may have a touch of Greg Dulli-influence), and “Jackson Pollock”. And even with the additions, it was just too damn short. My concert companion, Shan from Two Sisters and a Show, and I enthusiastically agreed that we wanted them to keep playing.
“War Bonds”
It’s been a pleasure to watch this band grow, and if they keep ascending the way they have in just the past year, it won’t be but a minute before they’re back in Cleveland and headlining the Ballroom.
video credit: kingofthecastle7