A Selection from Helene Smith

One of the driving reasons to start a blog is because you feel like no one else is saying what you want to say, so you have to do it your own damn self. But sometimes if you’re very tired and whine in just the right way, other people will practically write your blog posts for you. To whit, last night when I asked friends for suggestions of something to post about today. Our fine friend Andy Jody (drummer from Pearlene, James Leg, Oxford Cotton, Barrence Whitfield and the Savages, etc.) suggested simply “SOUL!” Soul is always a good way to bring in the weekend. And our new friend C.R. Humphrey (the talented man behind Old Gray Mule) followed up with the specific suggestion of Helene Smith.





There isn’t a wealth of information about Helene Smith on the internet, but Sir Shambling’s Deep Soul Heaven has a little for you.

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