July Video Challenge: Paula Abdul, Cold Hearted Snake

Cold Hearted Snake was one of the singles from Paula Abdul‘s first record, Forever Your Girl, in 1988. The video she made for it, which you are about to watch below, was the one that got MTV banned in my house. That didn’t stop me watching MTV, of course, it just meant I had to be more strategic about it. By which I mean, I watched a lot of Headbanger’s Ball while I was babysitting.

Other reasons the video is notable: it was inspired by Bob Fosse’s choreography from All That Jazz and directed by David Fincher, who would later go on to make Fight Club; there’s a rap interlude; and there is also a live string section. And the expressions on the “record label executives” faces as the dancers do their thing are just priceless.


Paula Abdul Cold Hearted Snake - Full Version