Scott Miller Giveaway: Winners!

Scott Miller fans are an adorable bunch. They gave some charming answers as to what their favorite state is. But since winners were chosen at random, the winners of our Scott Miller giveaway were left to fate. Or rather, to the hand of the NTSIB intern. Or rather, my kid who paused long enough while playing Team Fortress 2 to help me out by picking our winners out of a jar.

The winner of our men’s Scott Miller prize pack – which will include Scott’s CD, a men’s T-shirt of the winner’s choice and a rad kazoo is:

Chris Baker, who wrote, “I’ve lived in Tennessee, West Virginia, Virginia and I HAVE TO say West By God Virginia. The people are great and the land is just beautiful.”

And the winner of our women’s Scott Miller prize pack – which will include Scott’s CD, a women’s T-shirt of the winner’s choice and a rad kazoo is:

Sarah Plumley, who wrote, “Well, I’m from WV, and so is Scott Miller’s wife. I make damn good pie here in WV. And the only time I get to see Scott live is when he comes to Mountain Stage. That’s in WV too. I suppose those are good enough reasons for me to win a shirt and a kazoo. WOOOOOOO! Scott Miller!
Sarah, The WV Pie Girl”

I know it looks fishy with both of them choosing West Virginia, but I promise it was completely random. Congratulation, winners! I’ll be getting in touch with you shortly. And thanks to everyone who participated: you made me smile.

Now Scott will play us out with some motherfucking kazoo, y’all.

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